Not giving up is the key!



I like this view from the Fushinmi Inari Taisha. 

It’s not from the top, it’s just from the highest point I’ve reached, as you know already. 

Why do I publish it again? Because I want to write a note to myself. 

I always do my best. Although I struggle and I fail almost all the times I keep going.

Am I happy with the results? No. 

Would I keep trying? Yes. 

And I guess I’ll have to live with it for the moment and accept it. Accept the fact that I’m not perfect, I’m not consistent at all but I’ll always get up again and get going. 

I have stopped again blogging for different reasons, but I’ll keep starting again, and again and again, because I love it. 

So don’t worry if you don’t see me for a while, I’ll be back, I’ll always be back and will start again where I left off. 

I conclude with one of the best quotes ever from a vey stubborn character, Asta from Black Clover. 

「諦めないのがオレの魔法だ!!!! 」My magic is never giving up! 


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