Closed for training and adjustments! 

Google search. Maybe it’ll take more than 5, but I’m out of mind all right!

As you know I’ve started my new job last Monday. 

Let me tell you, the place is absolutely fantastic. Little by little I’m sure I’ll tell you more.

It’s a big change, as after long time I seriously don’t know what I should complain about. I know we shouldn’t aim to complain but still it seems so weird being in a normal (and with this I mean something I define normal…everybody is different) kind of environment for the first time after years.

But and this is not even a negative “but”, it’s just a little seat back for the rest of stuff I wanted to do…so although it’s shiny and great the training is tough. There are loads of things I have to learn and because computer and numbers are involved I’m slower than the average.

What I’m saying is that I won’t be able to update the blog until I’ll reach the end of my three weeks training and I settle in a new routine. I still have to figure out where to introduce my relax time, my reading time and my writing time during my day…even if it was only 10 minutes each. It’s hard, I didn’t think it’d be that difficult! 

I mean, I could try to write something in random days, but it won’t be a consistent thing and I want just to show some respect to my readers. I don’t want to shovel some random bunch of words in a post just for the sake of it!

I apologise, I actually hate I had to take this decision but still I don’t have many options at hands. Actually a 48 hours long day it would really help in this case!

So I’ll see you soon, good people!!!

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