O as One piece

I don’t know who created this meme, but really it is one of the best way to show you what I meant! Luffy is like this unless he comes across something unjust that makes him mad and brings him to fight! I should learn from him!

Who’s been following this blog for a while knows already about this passion of mine.

Well, it’d be better call it obsession rather than passion, but I can’t really help.

Those of you who read already my previous posts would excuse me for my blabbering!

One Piece is a manga by the awesome and talented Eichiro Oda, who was only 19 when he had the idea of this stubborn child with a big dream!

Monkey D. Luffy wanted to become pirate king since he was only a child. He also ate by mistake the devil fruit that turned him into a rubber boy.

The plot isn’t one of the most complicated, in fact I think that I wouldn’t have felt hooked at all if it weren’t for the extraordinary way of telling the story, the characters so unique and queer and the attention to the details.

I believe that Oda sensei shows us how even the smallest ideas could be turned into a fantastic adventure.

I read somewhere that if you like a writer than you should emulate him or her.

First, I’d like to say that, although Oda is a mangaka I consider him one of the best writers as the way he tells stories is amazing.

Second, in Rainbow D. Fran’s WIP there are a few tributes to him and his work, from the name of my character to the structure of the story. My WIP as well has an overall story and many adventures that bring details and characters into the main plot.

Characters, this is another fantastic element in One Piece. Each and every character, whether main or not, is cured in his or her smallest detail. Some of them recur, others are just one episode presence, and some seems just cameos but then have important roles much later.

Although almost impossible to pick a favourite (you love each one for a different reason!),my preference swings always in between Luffy and Zoro (who wants to become the best swordsman in the world. Every main character has a dream and I think this is important for the reader to empathize with them) because they are real. They have many flaws, from being very naïve to have no sense of orientations at all. But inside them the core is full of loyalty, friendship and pursuing dreams. Luffy is a pirate but hates injustices and this makes him charming.

Ok I’ll drop it here because otherwise I’ll speak for ages. But, please, have a look at it! It’s absolutely worth it!!!

Google search again! This is the crew!


  1. J.F.Johns says:

    Love One Piece!!:) Though it’s been ages since I last watched it T.T I don’t know why I stopped actually… I need to start again!!!!

    1. Yes, yes pick it up again! It’s worth it!

      1. J.F.Johns says:

        I know! I definitely will now after seeing your post!:) thanks for reintroducing me to One Piece!!!:)

      2. You’re most welcome! It’s astonishing how it is still interesting and strong on plot level after so many years! Oda is genius!

      3. J.F.Johns says:

        I know! And i have no idea how he manages to keep the story going for so many years, keeping it as interesting as the first episode!!!

      4. No clue either! I hope sooner or later to be at least one third good as he is! 😉

      5. J.F.Johns says:

        I’m sure you will!!!:)

      6. Fingers crossed!

      7. J.F.Johns says:

        Believe in yourself, and you can achieve anything!:)

      8. Thanks a lot! Sakka ni ore wa naru!!! Still to emulate Luffy’s “kaizokuo ni ore wa naru!” 😀

  2. legreene515 says:

    I’ve never seen this show. I might have to look for it. I love finding out what inspires other authors! So cool.

    1. Yeah me too! Lauren this is amazing! Maybe a bit of interest is due to the fact I love pirates, but I strongly advice you to have a look at it!

  3. fagriejap says:

    One Piece is LOVE !

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